Please be fair to us and others and consider turning them on. The Quick Questions and Looking for Group Threads exist for a reason, use them. But without ads this site simply could not exist. >!This is spoilery!< to get This is spoilery Submissions should relate to Divinity Original Sin or other works of Larian Studios.ĭo not put spoilers in the title of your post and mark your posts. Join up with a friend to play online in co-op and make your own adventures with the powerful RPG toolkit. Gather your party and get ready for a new, back-to-the-roots RPG adventure! Discuss your decisions with companions fight foes in turn-based combat explore an open world and interact with everything and everyone you see. Divinity: Original Sin 2 builds are incredibly varied thanks to the robust skill system found within the game.

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The font used in the screenshot above is Cornelia Sans by Alice Grimaude, acquired from Nexus Mods.Looking for a Group to play with? Try this thread || Discussion Overview

You will have to do this for each and every Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster that you have, as they all have their own StreamingAssets folders. Once you have completed the above steps, you should have the font up and running in your game. The game will not work without every font file being present and accounted for.

If you are not playing in English, you will need to rename the "font_en.bundle" so that it replaces the font file of your choice before you replace the file in StreamingAssets. These fonts will most likely come in the form of a zipped file - unzip the "font_en.bundle" and the "font_ja.bundle" to your StreamingAssets folder and replace the files there. There are various places to find font files, such as Nexus Mods and the VG Research and Modding Discord group. Once you have identified the font files for the language you play in, you know what you'll have to replace with the files downloaded from the internet.