He is a kind old gentleman who also hunts innocent people (and possibly your own character) for sport.

Advertised Extra: Legate Valerius and Dr.Colonel Royez is depicted in flashbacks as having left behind his own men to die in order to secure power armor and supplies during the Brotherhood war.Oliver, in addition to being a Glory Hound who lied to Blackthorne about releasing his men, also gives the order to execute wounded NCR soldiers due to the hospitals being at full capacity.Adaptational Villainy: Various characters come off far harsher than they did in the vanilla game:.

The NCR Exiles have this reputation among a chunk of Frontier natives thanks to their involvement in the Snowblind Massacre and the Bright Town Massacre. The group seeks to avenge the Brotherhood's loss at Helios One and also save the soul of the wasteland. Lastly there are the Crusaders, a Brotherhood of Steel splinter cell that has embraced the theology of Mormonism. Valerius hopes to not only conquer the Frontier for Ceaser, but also to institute necessary reforms that will allow the Legion to function as a standalone nation rather then the warband it is now. The NCR Exiles are currently engaged in a war with the Northern Legion, a sub-group of Caesar's Legion led by the enigmatic Legate Valerius. Led by General Blackthorne, the exiles deserted from NCR after being betrayed by President Kimball, and have journeyed to the Frontier in order to get the supplies and weapons they need to return to California and oust Kimball from power. The main plot focuses on a conflict between three factions. Instead of the Mojave Wasteland, however, the mod introduces players to the titular Frontier, a cold, desolate waste surrounding what was once Portland, Oregon. Set around the same time as the events of the main game itself. Fallout: New Vegas - The Frontier is a mod for Fallout: New Vegas released in January 15, 2021, eleven years after the game's release.